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Showing posts from March, 2021

Tooth Sensitivity: What are the solutions?

 Do you have to pass on hot or cold foods because when you consume them your teeth hurts? Does brushing/flossing make you wince? If so, it is time to see your dentist about experiencing tooth sensitivity. Before you look for a dental clinic near you and are able to get those tooth twinges treated, let us help you know what causes it. Possible causes of tooth sensitivity include: Cavities Worn tooth enamel Worn tooth fillings Cracked or fractured teeth Gum disease Exposed tooth root In a healthy set of teeth, there is an enamel layer to protect the part of the teeth above the gum line (the crowns). Below the gum line, there is a cementum layer to protect the tooth root. Underneath both these layers - enamel and cementum - there is dentin. Dentin contains small hollow microscopic tubules and canals and is less dense than the above two layers. So, when the protective covering of enamel and cementum wears out, dentin becomes exposed. When dentin loses its protection of the above two layer