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Some Common Dental Issues in Kids and How to Resolve Them

Some Common Dental Issues in Kids and How to Resolve Them

Parents always wish the very best for their children and hence keeping their child’s dental health in good shape is their priority. Especially, in the tender years, your child is likely to develop several oral issues and so it becomes inevitable to promote healthy and benefiting oral hygiene habits at an early age itself. According to pediatric dentists in Rockport TX, early intervention is important as it protects your child from potential dental woes. Here are some of the most common dental problems that kids experience and learn how to keep them at bay.


Sensitivity can be troublesome, distracting, and uncomfortable and could completely disrupt your child’s routine and focus. There are various reasons that could cause sensitive teeth in children. Cavities, enamel wear, newly erupted teeth, bruxism, cracked teeth, orthodontic treatment etc are some reasons that your child’s teeth might feel sensitive. Visit your dentist right away if your child complains of irritation as hot or cold foods touch his teeth. To combat the issue, dentists will apply the sealant to your child’s teeth, strengthening the weakened enamel and filling cracks if any. Also, experts of general dentistry in Rockport suggests that children should use a soft-bristled toothbrush as hard bristles could scrap off the enamel layer and damage the teeth surface. 


Children are proficient at brushing and cleaning the mouth, especially if not supervised carefully. Also, consuming sugar-heavy candies can become a major cause of cavities. Cavities or tooth decay occur when plaque deposits on the teeth surface. The acid in plaque could eat away the enamel layer, wearing out the tooth eventually. We advise that parents should carefully supervise and assist their children while they brush their teeth. Make sure your child firmly grasp the brush and clean the teeth properly, removing food particles, plaque, and bacteria. 

Gum Disease

Gum diseases not only just trouble adults but also bother kids and pose serious health risks. Many kids have to face gum diseases and gingivitis conditions. If your child is developing swollen or red gums while brushing or cleaning the mouth and is also experiencing gum bleeding, it is a clear sign that your child is having a gum disease. It is often caused due to poor oral hygiene and plaque deposit. Gum disease can be prevented through simple steps like proper brushing and flossing daily. If there is extreme pain or deep cleaning is required, you should immediately visit a dentist and take proper advice.

Dental Emergency

Childhood is a time of adventures and hence dental emergencies do occur due to unfortunate reasons like falling down or getting injured while playing. In such instances, the teeth can break or fall off. If anything like this occurs, consult your dentist immediately and they might help reattach the tooth using a retainer. 

Dental Anxiety

During an early age, children often are prone to facing anxiety when it comes to seeing a dentist. It is important that you educate your child on how a dental visit would be beneficial and make him/her feel relaxed about it. Explain to them that it is for their well-being and that it is going to simply help reduce the pain.

Do you need more information related to pediatric dentistry? If yes, feel free to consult our expert dentists without any hesitation.


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