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Oral Care Tips For Strong and Healthy Teeth

Caring for your teeth is as important as caring for your physical health. Caring for your teeth involves using the right dental health products and following a healthy dental hygiene regime. Oral health is linked directly to the overall health of an individual and is not limited to just eliminating cavities and protecting gum disease. Good oral health is essential to having sound physical health. Bad oral practice can lead to health complications including the risk of advanced gum disease, speech impediments, and even serious physical health issues like stroke. But the good news is, you could prevent these serious health problems by mindfully caring for your teeth. Just a few daily habits could dramatically help improve your dental health. 

Here are some simple ways to care for your teeth as suggested by experts in general dentistry in Rockport, TX.

Brush your teeth twice a day

As cliche as it may sound, brushing your teeth twice a day regularly holds great significance in keeping your oral health in good shape. It is quite common for individuals to ignore the brushing practice twice a day by skipping brushing before bedtime. Brushing keeps your mouth fresh and eliminates mild stains and accumulated food particles and plaque from the teeth surface, inhibiting bacterial damage. 

Use fluoride-containing toothpaste

It is recommended to use a fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouthwash in your daily oral care routine. 

Chew sugar-free gum 

Saliva helps in neutralizing the harmful effects of acids produced by the bacteria by acting as a natural guard for your teeth. When you chew gum, saliva is produced naturally which helps in preventing your teeth from decay.

Limit your sugar intake

When you consume sugar-rich foods, the bacteria present in your mouth break down the sugar to form acids that will attack your teeth enamel. It is advised to consume sugar-rich foods in moderation and brush immediately after you consume sugary foods. Also, rinse your mouth thereafter with anti-bacterial mouthwash to keep cavities at bay.

Floss once a day

Flossing removes plaque from the tiny spaces that are unreachable with your toothbrush. Only brushing is not enough to remove bacteria and plaque present in between your teeth. You need to floss at least once a day to eliminate food particles and plaque from your mouth. Moreover, it will also help in preventing mouth odor and bad breath as it helps remove the food residues from even the tiny spaces in your mouth.

Consume crunchy fruits and vegetables

Eating right helps a ton in maintaining your oral health. Consume fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables as they are fiber-rich and can be very efficient at strengthening the tooth enamel. Eating a balanced diet is essential for good oral health.

Visit your dentist at least twice a year

While you are keeping your dental hygiene routine in check, you also need to make sure that you do not miss your regular dental appointments. Professional intervention once in a while is important for a thorough assessment of your oral health. Your dentist will not only check for decay but will also look for threats or any progressing oral health issue that may have the potential to disrupt your dental health. 

For more information about general dentistry in Rockport, feel free to get in touch with our team or you can call our dental office.


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