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Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures You Should Know About

Have you ever heard about cosmetic dentistry? Basically, it is a type of dental procedure that focuses mainly on enhancing the appearance of your teeth. 

There are many types of cosmetic dentistry available at Allwyn Dental, and to check which one suits you the best, you need to consult a qualified cosmetic dentist. While coming back to cosmetic dentistry, here is the list of all the cosmetic dentistry procedures that Allwyn Dental offers. 

Have a look.

Dental Veneers

A thin shell made from porcelain or composite material is known as a dental veneer. Veneers are specifically made according to the patient's dental requirements. 

Dentists will recommend this cosmetic dentistry in Rockport TX if you have slightly crooked teeth, discolored teeth, or chipped teeth. Additionally, if you have gaps between teeth, veneers can be used to cover them as well.

A veneer lasts around 20 years, but it also varies from person to person. There are around two types of veneers available:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Resin-based composite veneers

Dental Crowns

Like veneers, dental crowns are also custom-made to fit over your tooth. Dental crowns are also known as dental caps, and as the name refers, they sit over your whole tooth. 

Dental crowns are made of acrylic or porcelain and are fused with metal to withstand biting pressure. Dentists will generally recommend dental crowns if your teeth are poorly shaped, badly decayed, broken, or have large fillings. There are many types of dental crowns available which you can read below.

Metal Crowns

As the name refers, metal crowns are made with metal alloys like gold. They are much stronger as compared to other types of dental crowns and are resistant to cracking and chipping. 

The only downside of metal crowns is their appearance. Also, it can cause allergic reactions in some people.

  • Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are made of porcelain and are durable, stain-resistant, and are natural in appearance. 

The only problem with porcelain crowns is they are likely to chip or crack easily. 

  • Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns

As the name refers, these crowns are made with porcelain and metal. This type of crown has a metal base and is covered with a layer of porcelain. 

The only problem with such crowns is that they look less natural than porcelain and can cause tooth sensitivity like metal crowns. 

However, if you wish to get any of the above-given dental crowns, just search ‘cosmetic dentistry near me’ and book an appointment with a well-known dentist today. 


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